A road is a dangerous obstacle for many animals. Countless large and small animals are killed every year. Crossing animals can also be dangerous for road users. The construction of our extensive road network has cut through animal habitats, so to speak, making life extra difficult for various species. The Hoge Kempen National Park is therefore strongly committed to defragmentation measures to reconnect these habitats. This is good news for both traffic safety and biodiversity.
Flemish Action Programme Ecological Defragmentation
To counter fragmentation, the Flemish government is committed to a well-founded multi-year programme: the Flemish Action Programme Ecological Defragmentation (VAPEO). Over the period 2019-2024, VAPEO is implementing 15 projects along regional roads that will reconnect animal habitats. There are different types of defragmentation measures to connect habitats such as: an ecoduct, verge bridge, ecovalley, ecotunnel, amphibian tunnel, ...

Defragmentation projects
A quick look at the map of the Hoge Kempen National Park shows that two major roads cut through the green north-south axis of the National Park: the N75 and the E314. The construction of the E314 motorway, between 1969 and 1976, had a negative impact on the cohesion of the National Park and in particular, on the fauna present. In 1999, the first proposals and scenarios were worked out to defragment the stretch between exits 32 (Genk) and 33 (Maasmechelen) of the E314. Since then, several defragmentation measures have been systematically implemented:
- installation of ecorasters along both sides of the motorway (specifically in 1998, 1999 and 2004)
- construction of three new ecotunnels and conversion of an existing subway into an ecotunnel with shared use by walkers and cyclists (2001);
- closure of a road (N730) between the N75 and the built-up area of Wiemesmeer (in 2003) and conversion of the existing large bridge over the motorway into an ecoduct with tourist cycle path (‘ecoveloduct Wiemesmeer’) (in 2004)
- closure of the municipal tourist road (Weg naar Heiwijck) (in 2005) and conversion of the existing small bridge into a berm bridge (‘berm bridge Heiwijck’) with co-use by walkers and cyclists. The last major fit-out works to make the bridge itself suitable for fauna date from 2020;
- construction of ecoduct Kikbeek (in 2005-2006);
- Ecobridge Boslaan N75 in Lanklaar (2024 - ... )
- Construction ecovalley Zwarte Berg in Oudsbergen (2024 - ...)
- Ecovalley with cycle link - linked to Bergerven nature development project on N771 near Bergerven in Dilsen-Stokkem