Two birds with one stone: supporting a good cause and your own bench in the Hoge Kempen National Park. Who would not want that?
The National Park is also there for you, and you can even make it very personal by sponsoring a bench in your favourite area. How does it work?
- Choose your favourite area where you think a bench would not be out of place
- Collect a minimum of € 500 (on your own, or together with others)
- Donate the amount via our support programme
- Send an email to with your story: why you want a bench, a poem, why this place is special, with whom you have put money together, ...
As soon as we have received your message and the amount of money, we will start making your bench. We will keep you informed by e-mail, and of course we will let you know when the bench is finished, so that you can be the first to take a selfie with it.
These nature lovers have gone before you and have their own bench in the midst of the beautiful nature of the Hoge Kempen National Park

Suzanne Maes:
Suzanne collected € 500 from friends and family for her birthday. With this she sponsored a bench near the National Park Visitor Centre where she does volunteer work. Suzanne chose the text below:
Here we are: you, me, us
For the first, the fifth, the seventh time....
It doesn't matter, you are Welcome.